So, as you may have recently found out like me, Chris Breezy is back on Twitter. You can catch him @Chrisbrown not @MechanicalDummy. Since he's been back on Twitter, the TT(trending topics) have been crazy. Supporters have made him #1 several times I believe with #CBonRadio, #YerdMe, #WeSupportBreezy, #FollowChrisBrown, #WeWantCBonUstream, and he even made one called #thefans and followed by saying "i love you.. u r the definition of success! ". It seems as if he really took a lot of time out to re-evaluate his life and the things that he wants to accomplish. But anywhoo, Chris promised all of his followers and nonfollowers that when he get's to 100,000 followers, he will be on Ustream. So, everyone lookout because he currently has 74,835 followers!!!